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Nutty Redeemer"
A recent
news story reported that a Costco store had
accidentally labeled a few Bibles as "Fiction",
whereupon a legion of pious wheels began to
squeak menacingly. Faced with a possible religious
rebellion management quickly fixed the error
by re-labeling them as "Snuff porn".
In my dreams, of course.
There are those who vehemently declare that the Bible is a book of historical
fact, forgetting that central characters like Moses, for example, left
no record of having ever existed. Nor can archeologists find any evidence
of such religiously-significant events as the Exodus. Throw in the entirety
of both Genesis AND Revelations and you have to be drinking at least
forty days and forty nights worth of Kool-Aid to not understand why someone
might question the Bible's veracity.
As my grandma never said, "You can put puppies in the oven but that
don't make 'em biscuits."
To be fair, Bibles ought to be stocked under more categories than
just "Religion". Like "Infant Care", since it offers
information on dashing your children against rocks (Psaml 137:9). Or "Romance",
since it has such good advice on how many shekels you should pay the
father of your rape victim, subsequently taking her as your wife. (Deuteronomy
Personally, I think it belongs in "Fine Arts" as its meaning
is in the eye of the beholder. You know, like a Jerry Lewis movie.
A guide
to Biblical marriage.
(To spare you right-wingnuttery
all comments are moderated.)
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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Mom1 with Superman comic: Look. You're 12. You're too old to believe
that aliens can come to Earth, become super-strong, gain the power
of flight, and live in an ice fortress in the Arctic.
Mom2 with Bible: Look. You're 12. You're too old to believe that when
men die they'll live forever, get a pair of wings, and live in a mansion
in the clouds..
