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can have all the science in the world and still
have a disturbingly large number of fools who still believe
in magic... but enough about the Ryan budget plan.
As for the style of today's cartoon, I've been
rereading my copies of "The Complete Crumb", the massive
collection of underground cartoonist Robert Crumb's artwork,
and feeling
rather the slacker for underutilizing the crosshatch. So
here you go.
(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
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Points Memo
Chow (Avert you eyes!)
Street preacher to scientist: You can keep your geology
and your biology, brother, but it won't do you any
you're burning
the fires of Hell! The Earth and everything on it was
made 6000 years ago by God himself! That's what the
Bible tells me and I believe it!
What life would be like if modern science had predated
