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2003 the Bush administration strong-armed, lied, and bribed
its way into an invasion of Iraq. Anyone who was paying
attention knew there were ulterior motives far beyond the
fictional WMDs. One of the few voices in broadcast media
making a
fuss about the invasion plan was Phil Donahue, who at
the time had the number one show on MSNBC. Since the Military
Industrial Succubus could not brook even the smallest voice
of dissent Mr. Donahue's show was yanked almost
immediately. Veteran newsman Bill Moyers calls this "The
Day That TV News Died."
The talking heads on the evening news don't warrant contracts
worth millions of dollars yearly because they can pronounce
"nuclear" properly, they earn it because they're willing
to turn off their pretty little morals and read whatever
is put in front of
them like they mean it, even when it's written by Hallibutron,
Boeing, or General Electric.
case you're unaware of every single, scintillating segment
of my life I run a little heathen popsicle stand called
It's full
of every
of graphic
or textual heretical nonsense I can get my hands on.
For the past few days one of the pages on the site has
been very, very popular, a page entitled
Shit Richard Dawkins Says". It's a collection
of quotes by one of my favorite atheist schmott-guys, while
the title
references the largely-forgotten Twitter account Shitmydadsays.
Anyway, go take a look and see what the fuss is all about.
Heck, you might want to share Dick's page yourself.
(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
If you enjoy Raging Pencils, might I also recommend:
Can't make sense of the news? Try our selection
of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
and Liars • Think
Progress • Talking
Points Memo
Chow (Avert your eyes, chump!)
Sometimes I feel sorry for the people of our enemy.
Not only does their government continually fill their
heads with propaganda and spy on everything they do
but almost one percent of them are rotting away in
prisons. As for the rest, many go hungry or die of
sickness because the government would rather spend
its money on expensive military systems, but all their
arsenal of nuclear weapons has done is to increase
their arrogant nationalism.
Yes, we're lucky to be North Koreans.
Yes, we're lucky to be Americans.
The only difference is that Kim Il-Jung-Il and President
Obama is that Kim is a puppet of the military and President
