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So We End...
of us on this planet are old enough to remember when TV
offered only three channels, four if you were lucky.
Even stranger, by contemporary standards, is the fact that
every night about midnight they would all go off the air
the next six
hours or so all you would receive on your 13" B&W
set was a test pattern decorated with strange circular
and the bust of an
It was accompanied by a whiny tone whose only function
must have been to drill into our slumbering cerebral cortexes "WAKE
But before they
signed off the air it seemed like every station played
the Star-Spangled Banner, accompanied by a militaristic
tableau of soaring jet fighters. I
suppose this method of shutting-down was another absurd
result of the anti-communist paranoia
the nation
the 50s, one that also
resulted in god being slapped
on all our money. It was probably another subtle-as-a-brick
message from Conservatives saying "Eat it, Ruskies!
America has the coolest national
anthem in the whole god-danged world!"
But... what if the playing of the national anthem was itself
part of a communist plot, an ironic signal to all fellow
that said "At last the bourgeois pigs are asleep
in their feather beds. Now is the time to broadcast
to the kiddies and
begin delivering marijuana and copies of Mad Magazine to
all the hep-cats."
Wouldn't that have been something.
The best sign-off I ever heard as a kid was on my local
AM radio station. It was The Beatles "Goodnight".
All I ever knew of them up to that point was yellow submarines
and some guy named
Jude, so when I heard Ringo's tender adumbration
to "sleep tight", I happily obeyed. But only
after the song was over and the station was as dark as
the night.
Note: I had wanted to share a youtube
video of "Goodnight" but Sony is evidently pitching
a fit about copyright and therefore won't allow it to be
embedded on external web sites, so I chose an equally rapturous
alternative, The King's Singers "Lullabye".
Video Vault: Good night, everybody.
(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
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Chow (Avert your eyes, chump!)
Researcher: Speaker Boehner, I've invented the perfect
Republican Congressman. The No-Bot. It doesn't eat,
doesn't sleep, runs on unleaded gasoline and all it
says is no. Care to try it out?
You bet!
Do you support the president?
Robot: No.
Do you like gun control?
Nobot: No.
Are you in favor of Planned Parenthood?
Will you raise taxes on the rich?
Should voting be easier for poor people?
Will you accept bribes from lobbyists?
Will you do anything the Koch brothers ask?
Needs work.