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Snowden is neither hero nor traitor. He's more like
the boy earning $200,000 a year as a contractor
pointing out that the metaphorical emperor has no metaphorical
clothes. Although he certainly got his point across by
dumping all of the government's info into the press's
lap he could have been more effective, and saved himsef
by first
taking his concerns before a Senate group. Good luck,
Mr. Snowden.
Even though the government is now hot on his tail a
recent Pew poll revealed that 56% of U.S. citizens
are unconcerned that the NSA is waving its dangly bits
in our faces. Seems like that number should be a LOT
lower. Like .999999999%, give or take a Dick Cheney or
(To spare you right-wingnuttery
all comments are moderated.)
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Chow (Just pretend this isn't here.)
Mommy's sorry you lost your fourth amendment rights,
too, honey, but put it under your pillow tonight and
maybe the Security Fairy will come and trade it for
a new premium cable channel.
