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remember this guy? He used to make a spectacle of himself
throughout the 70s and 80s at sporting events, usually
in the end zone at football games, drawing attention
to himself and his message by waving like a lunatic every
was an
extra point try.
His name is Rollen Stewart and he was a Jesus
Freak to the same degree that George Zimmerman is a
racist scumbag. Rollen made it his job to remind
us all that
"God so loved the world he gave his only fuck-you-fuck-you-guilt-guilt-guilt-guilt".
Hey! Someone had to do it. Up until the 70s not many
people had ever heard of Jesus. Right? (I kid. I kid
because I hate.)
So where is Rollen now? In prison, serving three life
terms for kidnapping and other assorted fun crimes. Couldn't
happen to a nicer guy.
But Rollen wasn't what I wanted to talk about. It was
what was on his shirt, that "John 3:16" stuff.
The Greeks, who cobbled together the original version
of what we
call "The Bible", didn't originally delineate
the text into the clear-cut chapters and verses with
all familiar. That was done much later, in 1551, by
a Frenchman named Henri
Its effect was to instantly change the Bible from a collection
of ancient literature to what it actually is... a rulebook.
Yes, the Bible is no different from any government handbook
on how to lubricate an Abrams tank or how
to properly play a game of Brockian ultra-cricket.
For an idea of the kind of difference this makes consider
doing the same thing to, say, A Clockwork Orange,
Pride and Predjudice, or The Professor and
the Naughty Coeds. Now if you need a justification
for an English murder spree you need say no more than
But for now, at least, if you quickly need
to find the proper verse to put some slut in her place
it's never been easier.... at least, since 1551.
A little something courtesy of
Harper's Index and, suprisingly, Walmart. |
(To spare you right-wingnuttery
all comments are moderated.)
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Points Memo
Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Momma God: You had a nice, newplanet but you filled
it with defective creatures.
So you drowned them and started over.
But the next batch of creatures were defective, too.
So you sent your son down to fix the problem.
Your. Only. Son.
But they killed him.
Now you're offering these barbarians eternal life if
they worship your dead son.
Meanwhile, the planet is overcrowded, polluted, and
its ice caps are missing.
God: Okay, so?
So that's why you can't have a hamster.