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story of a great
flood is not the Bible's alone as there are many
flood legends told by many different cultures all
around the globe. That's because there really
were massive
floods that reshaped continents, though not the whole
As the Ice Age was winding down, and the glaciers retreated
northward, they left behind massive ice formations
that eventually acted as dams for great volumes of water. Eventually
those dams failed and unimaginable torrents of
scalded the land on its way to the sea.
This is believed to have happened near the Black Sea
in about 5000 BCE when the melting of North America's
massive Laurentide Ice Sheet caused the Mediterranean
Sea to overflow into the Black Sea. So
much water flooded the region that researchers
have found signs of human habitation 12 miles from
the nearest coast in 300 feet of water. That's a lot
of water but it wasn't an all-at-once flooding event,
more like a steady rise in sea level that took about
30 years.
Is this the source of what came to be the story of the
Great Flood? Probably, although somewhere lost in history
some Phoenician
merchantman acted as a floating zoo, eventually giving
rise to the truly fantastical story of Noah's Ark.
NOVA's presentation
of the Washington State megaflood.
(To spare you right-wingnuttery
all comments are moderated.)
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Fish: And so God had Noah build a giant fishbowl and
bade him collect two of every fish in the sea, one
and one female. And in the bowl they all remained safe
through the great drought until the rains came and
flooded the Earth again.
Other fish: Of course! It all makes perfect sense now!
