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Complete Slob's Guide To Cat Ownership, Part 7: Excreta
home city of Dallas is considering banning plastic shopping
bags, which would be just dandy with me since I gave
up using the flimsy blighters years ago. Although most
people will find the shift to reusable
bags easier than they think I'm pretty sure that the
most vocal complaints will come from the cat-loving demographic.
After all, without plastic bags
what will people use to dispose of Mrs. Fluffernutter's
and pees?
For those who have yet to teach their cats to use the
toilet, and
it can be done, I'm
here to tell you how I handle the problem.
First, simply toss the turds in the nearest toilet.
You'll notice that some
of them tend to float, possibly due to high levels of
fur content, which means that men will have the satisfying
option of playing
the Battleship" before flushing. Strafe away, lads.
As for the wet stuff, go buy one of those big boxes of
clumpable litter, the 25 pound-and-up size, in which
the litter is kept dry in a big plastic bag. Once you've
emptied this first box fold the inner bag down around
the sides and fashion a fairly tight-fitting lid for
the top. I used part of a slightly larger box. Done
correctly very little odor should leak out.
Use this box to
store the litter until it's full, occasionally lifting
and dropping the box to compact the litter. When there's
no more room in the box simply
tie off the top of the bag and discard both it and its
contents. Keep the box if you don't have another ready
to use and
re-line it with a standard 13-gallon garbage bag.
That's how Lefty does it. If you'd like to share any
ideas of your own, please pass them along.
Note: Yes, you're not crazy. I modified
the original cartoon somewhat. (For the uninitiated,
I do this sort
of thing occasionally.) On reflection, it wasn't clear
in the original top group of word
balloons was internecine religious verbal abuse rather
than general rhetorical assault.
I also think this version more effectively lays bare
my view that we are, for the most part, a hopeless
race of barbarians and that religion is just another
way to
hate your
neighboring countries... or neighbors.
(To spare you right-wingnuttery
all comments are moderated.)
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Points Memo
Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Due ot friction between religions the world is a very
unhappy place.
Fuck the Jews, Christians, Atheists, Baha'i, Shintoists,
Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, etc.
Now imagine a world without religion.
