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I know. Albert Einstein is more popularly known for having
said "God
doesn't play dice with the universe", but a whole
universe is a bitch to draw. From what I can tell Mr.
Einstein also once
used the
word "world" in place of "universe" so
I'm going with that. So there.
In my defense, good old Albert made several statements
in his life regarding Yahweh's aversion to chance, having
once said "I, at any rate, am convinced that He
does not throw dice." He seemed pretty sure about
Then British physicist John Bell came along and proved
Einstein wrong.
When I first conceived this comic I
thought it would simply be wacky to illustrate God playing
a card game based on a Japanese cartoon created for the
entertainment of children. Then it occurred to me that
it's exactly the kind of game he'd enjoy as it's
right up his alley. In other words, a world filled
with exotic fauna and semi-fauna-slash-flora, created
out of thin air, duking it out for superiority even
if meant resorting to evolution. Just like real life.
claim by General Wesley Clark that, as early
as 2001, the Bush administration planned
on invading seven countries in five years. Eee-yikes! |
(To spare you right-wingnuttery
all comments are moderated.)
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censored comic
Caption: God doesn't play dice with the world. - Einstein
Earth: I'm getting tired of playing Pokemon. Can't
we play Risk or Parchisi, maybe even Monopoly?
God: My house, my games. take it or leave it.