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Neverending War
following is by a friend of mine, Jane Huey, unapologetically
snatched from her Facebook page. I think it eloquently
says what most of us are thinking:
I'd like to apologize in advance to the people of Syria
for the bombing by my government that you are about to
suffer. Please take all possible precautions to protect
yourselves and your families and communities. It's going
to happen. It's a foregone conclusion. Obama and Congress
are just going through some pretend actions to make it
appear that we are all in agreement on this. Please know
that we are not. Most of the American people are against
this action and do not support it. We have called our
representatives, we have protested in the streets. This
will change nothing because the decision to conduct this
war was made a long time ago by forces more powerful
than us. I am outraged and sick about it but there is
nothing I can do to stop it and I am deeply sorry.
(To spare you right-wingnuttery
all comments are moderated.)
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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Two men on deserted island. One is dead of sarin gas.
The other declares himself king as U.S. bomb attack