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Note: Friday's cartoon will be late. It's a scheduling
issue, not a health issue.
More You Pay, the Less It's Worth.
probably only cost the Koch boys a couple
of billion dollars to buy the whole of
the Republican
Party. I'm not for a minute sugggesting
that they have anything close to a functioning
conscience between them but I believe Chuck
and Dave have to be secretly disappointed
legislative bastards could
be bought
so cheap. After all, if you keep a woman
around who only wants you for your money
she'll eventual shtup the pool boy when
your back is turned.
Compare the buying of Congress to what
Dubya and his cronies spent to buy Iraq,
or lease
Two trillion dollars were spent on paint
and remodeling when all the Neocons really
wanted was just the corner lot where all
the oil
Now the neighbors are crying about shoddy
workmanship and have begun throwing their
leaves and IED's into Uncle Sam's yard. It's
a mess.
& Dubya really should have sunk their
war-criminal dough somewhere with nice
neighborhoods and good schools, like Sweden.
And just THINK of the war brides. Whoo-hoo!
Note: I left this cartoon B&W not because I'm feeling
poorly but because it looked pretty good all by
itself. Healthwise, I think I turned a big corner
tonight. Yay.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Reporter: What do you like best about
the Republican Party?
Charles and David: How little it cost to buy.
The Koch brothers come clean.
