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I first learned the remarkable sciencey
titbit that humans are 90% microbial, and
10% real fruit juice, it has become uncomfortable
for me to tell women that I love them.
I'm a very honest person so I now
tell all the hot mamas
that 10% of me loves them.
But that's a lie because it's just
my brain that loves someone, not my heart
or spleen or toenails, so I guess I should
modify it to "Less than 1% of
you. No, not that part! Okay, maybe it
is that part. Stop laughing!"
But even that's inaccurate as it's only
a small part of my brain that deals with
the cross-section of interpersonal relations
and glandular activities so I've decided
to amend my romantic pronouncements thusly:
"Love, Earth woman? What is love?"
Yeah, I just slay 'em.
Note: For reasons that escape me
I failed again to create a bonus 'toon. You hate
me, don't you? Wahhhhhh! I'm so unhappy! Where did
I hide the unhealthy food?
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
God's mom: Remember, son, my recipe for mankind
is nine parts human cells to one part microbes.
Got that?
Yahweh: Yes, mom. Nine parts microbes to one
part human.
God's mom: No, that's not...Are you listening
to me?
The Big Kahuna: Yes, mom.