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Pays. White Crime, That Is.
following, wirtten by "mauxly", was borrowed from
a thread on reddit.com regarding unethical life
hacks. It's too brilliant not to share.
your organization's lending standards, encourage
your brokers to fudge client numbers, sell variable
rate ARM mortgages to financial illiterate poor
people who are just thrilled to say they own a
This is awesome because now you are driving up
demand and prices. Higher mortgages mean more money
for you.
Make tons of money on associated fees.
But wait! You haven't even started! Now package
that shit up in super sketch derivatives and sell
them off. More money!
But you aren't done!!!
When the housing market takes giant shit, first
blame it all on Freddy/Fannie and the poor people.
Next, lobby hard to make sure any bail out money
goes to you and not the homeowners.
This way, there will be a shit load of distressed
Start a hedge fund that buys up all of those low
cost homes with cash before any actual homeowner
can. Trust me, you want to cock block those fuckers
from ownership. Because....
....now that you own all of the land, you can drive
rental rates through the roof on these people,
and create massive scarcity so they'll be forced
to pay a super inflated mortgage rather than risking
constant rises in rent.
And then when you've decided that the new bubble
you just created is about to start oozing, back
off on purchasing. But hold like a motherfucker
because now your new rent backed securities are
making you money hand over fist.
Totally legal!
You're probably thinking "Why didn't someone go to
jail over this?"
Keep thinking. It'll come to you.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)
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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Real Obamacare horror stories:
Ralph W., banker: If medical bills don't
bankrupt families then I can't foreclose
on their mortgage! Now I can't even afford
a third yacht. Thanks, Obama!
John B.,congressman: Please, god! Please
let us repeal this thing before the rednecks
figure out how much we've been lying to them.
Marty P., insurance lobbyist: Crap! This
thing might morph into single-payer, and
then I'll be out of a job. I'm too old to
start selling meth again.
Sarah S., physician: I'm seeing patients
who haven't been able to afford to see a
doctor in years. The illnesses I'm treating
would curl your hair.
Tom J., retail sales: Obamacare has been
a godsend for me and my family but I'm worried
the GOP will take it away. Please don't let
them take it away!.
