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Of The Dilemma
I hear a news report, as I did today, that
powdered rhino horn is fetching a gazillion-billion
a gram I become positively miffed as I immediately
envision deviant foreign savages snorting horn
through counterfeit $100 bills in an attempt
to bring their trouser snakes up
to full
And then I remember, "Oh, yeah.... they're
actually using the horn powder as a curative
for fever, gout, and other simple ailments."
Except that it doesn't work, at all, as the
rhino's horn is made
old keratin,
the same material found in animal hooves and
and, oh yeah, human fingernails.
But in Yemen it's a different story. When Yemeni
Muslim boys reach the age of twelve their fathers
give them a traditional
symbol of manhood. But instead of a good old
Red Ryder BB gun or a personal satchel charge
they receive an oh-so-dreamy ceremonial dagger
with a rhino
horn handle.
As you might
guess, that's a lot of 12-year-old muslim boys
and, unfortunately, a lot of rhino horns.
As more rhinos die the more the price for their
horns will spiral upwards until, eventually,
we'll have nothing left but memories. And a
of whiny 12-year-old boys with plastic
rhino-horn daggers.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)
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