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you imagine the first guy to say out loud "You
know what would be a good idea? Rather than waste
time and money on the rehabilitation of
criminals, or people we just happen to dislike,
how about we
nail their hands and feet to a couple of boards
of wood and watch them die slowly? Oh,
and while they're hanging up there let's smash
their leg bones with hammers, and maybe even hang
down and drive any extra nails we have left into
their groins. Won't that be jolly fun?"
barbarians they must have been.
But we don't torture prisoners any longer. We're
too civilized for that.

(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)
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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Wife on cross: I don't care if this IS proof
of concept, mister, you're not nailing anyone
Dickus Cheynius (Dick Cheney) thinks: Crap!
There go my subsidies.
Fortunately Dikkus Cheynius' worries were
unfounded as his Mark XI Peacekeeper Cruciate
was the talk of the Enhanced Interrogation
circuit in the summer of 597 BCE.