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hope you all had a memorable April 1st. I tried
to add some classic mischief to the internet mix
but I'm still too fatigued by whatever nasty little
bug has sublet my soul to Satan to create
worthwhile, but there's always next year. If you're
still somewhat disappointed you can revisit my
April Fool's extravaganzas
for April
1st 2013 or April
1st 2011.
As for the cartoon, I'd like to remind everyone
that the GOP is willing to let Americans suffer,
go bankrupt, and die for just one overarching
reason: racism. They think continually opposing
the ACA
will stain the administration of the first black
President. That's all.
a state-by-state projection of how many Americans
will die this year because their state
government did not expand Medicaid. Click image
for larger version. |
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)
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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
it's sad that ten texans die needlessly every
day just because Rick Perry won’t expand
Medicaid, but we survivors must look at the
bright side... the funeral business is
doing GREAT!
(Maybe not as good as sending off our young
to die in the desert for petrochemical companies
but who's complaining?)