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First Kilocomic.
I created the first couple of dozen
'toons, way back in late '06 and early '07, I posted
them to the 'net and largely forgot about them.
Then one day, in early
'08, I checked my logs for the site
and discovered my 'toons had gone semi-viral. I
wasn't sure the world was ready for another political
cartoon but it was clear that there was a ready
market for it. Who needs sleep anyway?
So here I am, 975 or so Raging Pencils
later, and I couldn't be prouder of what I've accomplished,
but it would only be so much jerking-off if it wasn't
for all the
nice people who chose to spend
a couple of minutes with Raging Pencils three
week. So thank you, one an all, for raising me
above the level of a simple drooling pervert to that
of a drooling pervert with an axe to grind.
Oh, and one last Thank You: To Beloved Girlfriend,
for acting as human handball court against whom I
bounce crummy ideas, one after the other. I always
know I'm
on to something when the groans get loud enough over
the phone to wake the cat.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)
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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Today marks the 1000th Raging Pencils comic,
and I'd like to say a little "Thank
you!" to all of those who made it possible:
First, there's George W. Bush, who sat idly
by while a million innocent Iraqis, the city
of New Orleans, the middle class, and the
Bill of Rights all died a ghastly, undeserved
death. You won't get fooled again.
Next, there's the Supreme Court, which violated
states' rights and awarded the Presidency
to an emotional and mental cripple, because
vote-counting is harrrrrrrd. Four liberals:
Don't blame us.
Let's not forget Dick Cheney, who showed
us how an entity of pure malevolence can
manifest itself in the form of a creature
without a heart. I'm hunting pwofits, heh-heh-heh-heh-heh,
Then there's George H.W. Bush, who happily
abandoned all of his core social and economic
principles in order to gain the 1980 VP nomination.
I said "No nude axes".
Finally, there are the Iranian mullahs, who
conspired with Ronald Reagan to sabotage
the 1980 presidential election. Ronnie 1980
Thank you all for making it easy to despise
anything with the delicate aroma of post-Kennedy
Lastly, of course,
my sincere thanks to the small army of fervent
fans and ardent admirers who call this web
site Home. To them i say: please don't hurt
my family. Onward to the next thousand.