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Walk of Shame
those having difficulty following the narrative
I should explain it mostly stems from the concept
of "coyote ugly", in which one awakes
in a strange bed with an appallingly homely person
fast asleep
on one's arm. Rather than wake this creature and
risk possible social interaction you choose instead
to chew your own arm off and slip quietly away
into the dawn.
The rest is about rancher Clive Bundy
and the way the GOP
gave him mouth-to-anus resuscitation for a month
until they found they were chowing-down on 100%
USDA choice grain-fed racist asshole. Serves
'em right.
In this case, however, it really
should be "Fox ugly" but that doesn't
quite make sense so I think I'll just quit while
I'm ahead.
I sometimes fret about doing cartoons like this
one because five years, if not five weeks, down
line no
one is going to remember the name of this grain-fed
government mooch. But, for now, it's fun.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)
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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Coyote ugly, GOP style.
GOP elephant sneaking out of Clive Bundy's
house at the crack of dawn. He's apparently
chewed his own arm off in order to sneak
away quietly.
