Murder I Tells Ya!
for the record, the GOP cut half a billion
dollars, that's billion with a "B", out
of the security
budget in 2011 and 2012. After which then-Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton was all "You idiots
are trying to get someone hurt."
She just didn't know it would be her.
Also for the record, thirteen embassies were attacked
during the George Bush years, and many died, but
I don't recall endless Republican hearings about
his failure to protect
That's because, y'see, it's okay to let our soldiers
and diplomats die if you're a Republican.
Also-also for the record, the "embassy" in
Benghazi was actually a CIA front operation designed
track down and nullify large caches of missing
Libyan weaponry, not least of which was 20,000
surface-to-air missiles. So we're not talking a
typical embassy with a formal dinner and dance
every weekend. The staff was under no illusions
about the danger of their situation.
Note: A somewhat
bizarre quote I earlier attributed to
Republican Jason Chaffetz, indicating the GOP understood
its underfunding of embassy security might border
on high treason, seems to have come from a source
which employed some clever paraphrasing. Sorry
about that.
However, Mr. Chaffetz did say: "Absolutely
cut funding]. Look, we have to make priorities
and choices in this country. We have … 15,000
contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors,
a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad.
And we’re talking about can we get two dozen
or so people into Libya to help protect our forces.
When you’re in tough economic times, you
have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize
So, acording to Mr. Chaffetz, letting our
people die needlessly in foreign lands is all part
GOP "prioritizing". Ooo-kay, then.
Over 50% of the House and Senate
are millionaires and too many of them bought their
way into the job.
That's not how government should work so buy this
sticker and let the guy driving behind you
know you're a 100% patriotic American crank.
