Only In It For The Money
been pondering for some time the best way to illustrate
net neutrality in a single cartoon. I can't, but
I think I have a good explanation for those who
find it too complicated.
First, imagine the internet like our nation's highway
system, with each car representing a bit of data.
Each car/bit can travel to its destination as fast
as the laws will allow, unhindered.
This freedom to travel is net neutrality.
This has been a good, reliable system for years
but major ISPs, like Verizon and Comcast, feel
they're not making enough money off internet users
moving all these bits around so they've conspired
to get rid of neutrality and subsequently own the
highway system, forever, at which point they'd
turn the 'net into a sort of tollway.
If they kill net neutrality they'll slowly begin
shunting most internet traffic into fewer 'lanes',
which will become, predictably, slow and congested.
The other, lesser-traveled lanes will be rented
out to big companies like Netflix, Amazon, and
Facebook for a lot of money. They will, of course,
pass those costs along to you.
New companies, on the other hand, will not be unable
to afford the faster lanes so past innovations
like Twitter or Pandora, would have withered on
the vine. (This
is already happening as venture
capital firms are choosing not to invest in bandwidth-heavy
internet startups.) The smaller sites will eventually
die off and the
become a much less interesting place.
Worse, the 'speed limits' will never increase and
the 'roads' will never be improved or expanded
as that would eat into the ISPs profits. In fact,
the less bandwidth you use, the better, as far
as they're concerned.
The 'net effect' is this is that the 'net would
be trapped in amber. Except for regular price increases.
This is why you need to contact
your local representative and
insist that all Internet Service Providers be classified
as Common Carriers under Title II of the Telecommunications
While you're at it, remind them that it would be
in our country's best interest to have a really
fast, modern, inexpensive internet, and the best
way to do that is to allow access to every city
by every ISP. End the internet monopolies now.
Sign the petition to make broadband
providers common carriers.
Sign the petition to maintain true
net neutrality.
Thank you!
And, just because there's not enough
visual distractions on our nation's highways and
byways already, I just created
this lovely new sticker to give the poor bastard
stuck behind you in traffic something
to ponder. If you're as enthused as I hope you are
can purchase
a copy for yourself on
good old Zazzle.
