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the Tip
was reading Thom Hartmann's excellent article "The
Racism Behind Boehner's Threats to sue Obama"
when one line leapt out at me:
"One of the biggest benefits of white privilege
is that white people never, ever wonder if something
has happened because of the color of their skin."
From an anglo perspective it's a real eye-opener
but it needs a certain measure of improvement.
Such as:
"One of the biggest benefits of white male privilege
is that they never, ever have to wonder if they're
being measured by their sex or the color of their
Now go read Mr. Hartmann's article, especially
the Lee Atwater parts about abstract Republican
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Black waitress: Eight percent tip? I wonder
if it's because I'm black?
Black waiter: Only ten percent? Probably
because I'm black.
Black waitress: A six percent tip? I wonder
if it's because I'm black?
White waitress: Eight percent tip? I wonder
who's on Conan tonight.
Just the tip.
