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pledge allegiance to the flag of the United
States of America...
I pledge allegiance to the toaster-oven
of the United
States of America...
I pledge allegiance to the carpet underlayment
of the United
States of America....
I pledge allegiance to this small small
bit of fluff I found in my belly button
of the United
States of America...
Why a flag?
America is the only country on Earth that
has its citizens pledge their fealty to
banner. If you know anything at all about
psychology you'll realize it's a fascist's
dream come true, especially if you can
force your entire pre-pubescent population
to recite it over and over.
It may surprise you to
learn that the Pledge of Allegiance wasn't
the first words uttered by viking
raiders who staggered off their boats along
the northeast coast of this country around
1000 AD. The
original, much shorter, version was created
in 1892 by
a socialist
minister, Francis Bellamy, longing for
the good old days of the Civil War, who
to revive
the spirit of patriotism in America's youth...
and to
sell flags. A LOT of flags. Which he did.
There was even a special salute for the
flag (I am NOT making this up) called
the Bellamy salute:

wasn't formally adopted by our
1942. You
know, right
in the middle of a world war that needed
lots of Yankee soldiers to keep the Ploesti
oil fields out of German hands and the
oil reserves of Malaysia out of Japanese
hands, etc.
Oh, and freedom.
1942 was also when the government officially, and
wisely, shit-canned the Bellamy salute, opting for
the more emotional
over heart" position. Personally, I think we'd be
better off holding our head in our hands yelling
In 1954 our government crammed "under God" into the
Pledge just to tinge it with enough ecclesiastic
majesty to make those Rooskies think twice about
who god preferred. Which, evidently, was the country
with the most atomic weapons.
I honestly meant to do
something a wee bit more artistic today
but I spent the
better part of Sunday helping
a friend chainsaw the dead trees out
of his south 40 and it sort of wrecked
my favorite drawing hand. But I'll heal.
You've been warned.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Man: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which is stands, one nation, indivisible, under
god, with liberty and justice for all.
Man: Now what?
Flag: Beats me. You're the one talking to a piece of cloth.
Man: I just got burned by a flag.
Flag: Yeah, I'm bad.
Wanna go kill stuff?
