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After spending eight years
driving the world into a global recession
and then six years of actively
hindering U.S. economic growth
the GOP
is now trying to take credit
for the upsurge in the economy (See chart
below). Here's how Senate majority leader
Mitch McConnell
put it:
"After so many years of sluggish growth,
we're finally starting to see some economic
data that can provide a glimmer of hope;
the uptick appears to coincide with the
biggest political change of the Obama Administration's
long tenure in Washington: the expectation
of a new Republican Congress."
This is nothing special. Republicans try
and take credit for a lot of stuff they
didn't do, like keep us safe from terrorists,
or bringing the USSR to its knees, or bringing
democracy to Iraq.
Is Mitch McConnell really that stupid?
No, but he certainly thinks his voters
are. (And why are Mitch's eyes brown? Because
he's full of shit.)


Think of it as an allowance for old cranky people.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
A poem, by Mitch McConnell
What makes a baby's eyes so blue?
Who puts the honey in the honeydew?
Who makes the rainbows and who makes the
Who puts the green in those little green
And who's responsible for the dynamic growth
in the GDP?
Why, no one but us, the GOP.
A poem by Barack Obama.
Why are Mitch McConnell's eyes so brown?
