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Wednesday's cartoon is late. I'm trying
to work out a complicated idea. Stay 'tooned.
Update: The original iteration of this comic resulted
in a very minor burst of outrage as I referred
to Bush's buddies as being "hung for treason".
While that's perfectly acceptable grammar
for North Texas it seems that the proper
past tense of "hang" is "hanged" but
that just didn't fit the space allotted
my word balloon.
So, as you can see, I've
the gag
"shot for
treason". Not only is this now more ironic,
seeing how conservatives think guns are
fine and dandy everywhere except where
happen to work, it's simpler than saying
"strapped to a
gurney and
injected with animal tranquilizers which
cause severe, agonizing pain, sometimes
for several hours, until they finally die....
for treason."

Raging Pencils and I'll eat a bug.
(All comments are moderated for
misinformation, not content.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Jeb Bush being interviewed on TV: Jeb,
what did you mean when you said "My
brother kept us safe?"
Jeb: Check the record. Cheney, Ashcroft,
Rove, Rumsfeld, Rice... none of his
buddies were shot for treason.
