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Last night I'm watching
a Youtube video concerning a nerdy math
contest when I notice
this thumbnail for another video on the
right hand side of the page:

I instantly recognized the art as
my comic from 9/11/13.
"Cool beans!" I yell to the cat,
who couldn't give a shit, "Someone
has used my art in an explanation of
So I download the hour-long
video and performed a thorough check
to see how the image was used but it wasn't
in the production. It seems that
the thumbnail of the cartoon was used purely
as click-bait.
But don't
blame the video as this
copy was hijacked
from the
of its creator, physics teacher
Chandler, and subsequently altered
to garner eyeballs.
As for the video
itself, it's excellent
as Mr. Chandler does a wonderful
job of exposing the 'official story'
of the collapse of WTC 1, 2, and 7. Just
watch the first five minutes as he explains
collapse of the North Tower and see if
you don't agree.
Note: Due to a bizarre
set of circumstances, none of which has
anything to do with nobody suing no one,
today's 'toon is plucked from the vast
trove of
people at the Friendly Atheist. It's
original air date was May 19, 2015. All
should be ducky come Friday, just in case
you're worried.

Raging Pencils and I'll eat a bug.
(All comments are moderated for
misinformation, not content.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Adam asks God a lot of questions about
death, being and nothingness, calendars,
time, and existentialism. God eventually
asks the Serpent to get Eve to eat
the fruit of the knowledge of good
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