progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

The difference between
a person with AIDS and a person with a
gun is that one would kill you with love
the other would kill you with hate. And
the thing they both have in common is that
Republican legislators have
no interest in controlling the problem.
In fact, they thought
HIV was hilarious back
in 1980.
I don't mean to make light of this but
there are 1.5 million Americans walking
and we, the hoi polloi,
have no
idea who
they are. You might find that number a
cause for concern but it pales in comparison
to the 11.5
million Americans
cruising the
nations public places while armed to the
teeth with people-killing machines tucked
next to their heart or jostling around
inside a purse.
Now which group should
you be more concerned about?
Jinkies! It
looks like I went and created another comic
for the good folks at friendlyatheist.com.
Every viewing will bring you that much
closer to Armageddon. Just click the teaser
thumbnail or the jolly red link above for

(All comments are moderated for
misinformation, not content.)

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Points Memo
Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Righty: The answer to crime, buddy-boy,
is that everyone should be armed.
Lefty: Isn't that the same as saying
the answer to HIV is that everyone
be infected?
No, the answer is to get rid of all
the HIV so that no one will be in danger
of, uhhhh...
