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Just Another Word.
I know I should be creating a scathing
cartoon about the recent police shooting
in South Carolina, but there were just
too many directions I could have taken.
Should I have lampooned the celebrations
that ensued in Redneck, USA
the moment Fox News reported that another
black man had been killed by the police?
Should I have satirized how a high-powered
media team will immediately proceed to
hammer into the
public's mind a carefully scripted
revision of
facts designed to make the murder victim
guilty of a criminal act deserving of
the summary execution he received?
Should I have created a cartoon predicting
that Officer Slager will escape jail-time
like so
many white police officers before him?
Should I have pointed out that the greater
portion of the general public will completely
forget about Walter Scott
a day after the verdict comes in?
To be honest I couldn't pen anything
which so perfectly and so cold-bloodedly
framed our cracked image of American
justice as the
Slager dropped that
to the
lifeless body of Mr. Scott. Feidin Santana,
the cameraman who just happened to
be in the right place at the right time,
deserves an award.
Or maybe I'll just make him the subject
of my next cartoon, the one which illustrates
how he'll be hounded by the North Charleston
department for the rest of his natural

Almost as effective as begging on a streetcorner.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Car with pig nose, wings, four legs, ears, tail.
Guy: Hybrid, huh. Who makes it? Toyota? Honda? BMW?
Owner: Monsanto.
