progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!
Looking for a specific Rage comic and/or
Rant and can't find it?

on the table: Today's 'toon was one
I originally created for the Friendly
Atheist web site. It's here because
I got caught in a dreadful time
bind and wasn't able
to craft
a whole new 'toon for Raging Pencils
today but I'm sure you'll agreee that
works nicely.
For the record, you might see my FA
'toons appear occasionally here for
any number of reasons, but mostly because
I'm proud of them.
See you Wednesday

Almost as effective as begging on a streetcorner.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Points Memo
Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Woman: I didn't vaccinate my kids, just for you, Lord.
God: Excellent! Now they'll get sick and die.
But won't you heal them, Lord?
Dude. Who do you think invented disease?
You're a real dick, Lord!
Potato famine, po-tah-to famine.
