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Professional caricaturists
amaze me. They can emphasize and distort
personal features I ordinarily would
never give
a second
thought. Luckily for me the four
geniuses in today's cartoon are funny
looking even when I draw them straight. So
we'll call these caricatures a draw.
As for the quotes, I have to admit
they've been paraphrased a smidgen
for space and clarity purposes but
the messages are
entirely, frighteningly accurate.
And now, to bed.

Almost as effective as begging on a streetcorner.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Obamacare allows the police to force doctors to take care of sick people.
Rand Paul
George Soros has a plot against golf courses. - Ted Cruz
Homosexuality is like pedophilia or bestiality. - Mike Huckabee
ObamaCare is worse than slavery. - Ben Carson
Lefty: Okay, so maybe Reagan didn't empty the mental institutions just
so the GOP would have presidential candidates...
Leftette: Still, ya gotta wonder.
