progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!
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NOTE: Monday's comic
is delayed due to a modest illness, but
the 'toon is in progress,
nonetheless. Thank you for your patience.
- The Management.
impetus for this comic springs from a statistic
I recently chanced upon which claims
that only 5% of bunnies bought as Easter
pets live
reach their first birthday. I would hazard
that ducks and chicks fare even worse as
less robust creatures.
If you, as a parent or relative of a child,
are intent upon purchasing a cute, fluffy critter
to stuff in the Easter basket please allow
me to recommend a puppy or kitten from
your local animal shelter. If you simply
must have
a bunny there are plenty of rescue facilities
with adult rabbits to spare, and there's
probably one near you.

It's like a little fiduciary pat on the ass.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Points Memo
Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Ranger Ronald's Handy Tips for Easter pets.
Chicks. Always let your kids over-handle them like they would any other
toy, then you can blame them when it dies.
Encourage your children to handle them like any other toy as it will
introduce them to the mystery of death.
Bunnies: Enjoy their cute antics until they begin spraying your house
with urine, then have them euthanized.
Ducklings: When their incessant peeping becomes annoying just put them
outside and let a predator get them.
Remember, small, helpless animals are not a responsibility, they're
disposable consumer garbage.
