White Flag
I'm pretty certain
that all you good Caucasian parents out
there would be mighty peeved if you discovered
that white male
were 21
times more likely to be shot and
killed by cops than black male teens. You
might even get mad enough to call someone
or write something. But since it's actually
other way around, that it's black teens
being killed, you
all give
a fat
It's just not
your problem if some hitherto unknown
black children run afoul of our fine, upstanding
officers of the law.
Must be something them darkies did
to needlessly enrage the constabulary. Like....nothing.
Right, Tamir?
What's almost worse is that we only hear
about the deaths by cop, because that's
all that the
local and national news has time for. Without
doubt, violence and humiliation is being
out by the
police against minorities on a much grander
scale than
we care to imagine.
You might think it rude to suggest
that aggression against minorities, blacks
specifically, has been ramped up since
2009, perhaps
as a
to destroy hope within the black community,
but I know for a fact that every single
Republican in
or Senate has pledged to defy President
Obama at every political turn, and it's
all because of his skin color.
And racism, and the old boy network, extends
FAR beyond the
ballot box.
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