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Like Chicken
Can you imagine if the Buddhists
had discovered America before the Catholics? The
native Americans would still have
keeled over by the millions as a result
of accidental
germ warfare but the central plains might
yet be teeming with buffalo and every street
corner wouldn't be choked by businesses
offering a new and novel
menu of murder
on a
stick accompanied by a big cup of ice-cold
sugar-water. Surely a similar result if
the white man had never
invented the sextant and stuck to internecine,
religion-powered genocide with its European,
African, and Asian brethren.
Happy 4th of Jooly, ladies and germs!

buck a month, that's all I'm askin' ya.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
How Buddhists see the butcher shop.
Little old lady in butcher shop
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