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In lieu of anything vaguely cogent
from me today (Like I actually have TIME to rub two
words together) I'd like to share the words of a
Redditor named Hazzman who offered a rather pithy
presumption that 9-11 was an inside job. Take it
"There is so much solid evidence that points towards
an inside job that has nothing to do with the conjecture
of those fucking towers or missiles into the pentagon.
I wish people would realise just how this entire
issue has been framed around that.
We need to start talking about troop positions on
Afghanistans border before 911. The movement of money
from the ISI to the hijackers. General Mahmoud having
breakfast with the house intelligence committee on
the morning of 911. Shoot down orders changing hands
form the joint chiefs to the vice president before
911. Stand down orders being enforced with testimony
by Norman Mineta. Unclaimed put options. PNAC writing
think pieces basically calling for this kind of attack
to reinvigorate the military industrial complex's
ludicrous cold war sized budget. INSANE NUMBERS of
foreign intelligence warnings being ignored, over
and over and over again. Our own sophisticated precursor
to NSA surveillance, military grade AI information
syphoning program ECHELON being ignored when it picked
up the chatter.
The bush administration ignoring
the multiple intelligence briefings indicating an
attack was coming. The bush-binladen connections
that have existed for decades. The clear intention
to establish oil pipelines using Taliban assistance
back in 1997. The FBI had assets LIVING WITH THE
hijackers before the attacks took place. The fact
that these attacks and the activities that occurred
after it were almost carbon copies of previous plans
to invade Cuba with Operation Northwoods including
snipers running around DC. The fact that the anthrax
attacks were actually American strains created by
American bio-weapons laboratories but blamed on Al-Qaeda.
The fact that Al-Qaeda was an American creation of
whom many high level American diplomats had meetings
with them during their war with the soviets. That
fact that during these attacks it just so happened
that those Straussian fuckwads were in power and
had major boners for the idea of a clash of civilizations...
which they also mentioned time and time again after
the attacks to instill the idea of a new Crusade.
Nah let's just endlessly talk about the fucking towers
over and over and over again. Nothing will ever come
of any of this because people are too fucking stupid
and the people that pulled this off are smart. It's
that simple. We are communicating on a medium that
was developed by the military. Everything we write
is anonymous. Everything we write is visible to them.
Everything out there can be manipulated with sophisticated
psyops programs and when I see this endless fucking
mind numbing bullshit talking about steel beams and
towers and free fall speed as if that's the be all
and end all of the entire conversation its depressing.
And yet people will defend it "Its just as important".
We've done more than enough damage focusing so heavily
on that. People parroting the same old bullshit day
in day out without actually looking into anything
else themselves. Investigating and propagating useful
information for others to pick up on. Just the same
old bullshit. I worry what kind of information we
have let slip through out fingers for having this
conversation so carefully framed into such a myopic,
endless, mind numbing conversation about those fucking
technical note: For those employing an
RSS feed the
new file-name is "rp-rss.xml". I
could have kept the old filename but I'm
pretty sure the path to ragingpencils.com
was going to break the feed anyway.

Raging Pencils and I'll eat a bug.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

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Can cause shortness of breath, ringing
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Whoa! What drug is that?
They're bullets.
