progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!
Looking for a specific Rage comic and/or
Rant and can't find it?

'Toon Alert
comic has been unavoidably detained. It'll
be here around 8-ish, if I'm lucky. =Lefty=
Bush Trifecta
You might
be noticing that the Raging 'toon for 9-11
was very late today. That's because there
was more to do than one person could handle.
I hope to populate this Ranty area with
something more salient but that won't be
until tomorrow.
In case you're wondering, yes,
Dubya actually said that phrase sometime
in mid-September 2011, reportedly often
and while smiling at his
dumb joke. Fuck that guy.
One more thing.... I posted new
comic over at the Friendly Atheist last Friday. If
you're intrigued
by the teaser below just click this
link or the image to see the hilarious
punch line.


Raging Pencils and I'll eat a bug.
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)

If you enjoy Raging Pencils, might I also recommend:
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Points Memo
Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
We shall never forget the stirring
words of President Bush shortly after
the attack on 9-11:
George Bush standing on rubble pile
with megaphone.
Lucky me! I hit the trifecta!
Actual quote. Bush promised to run
a budget surplus unless there was a
recession, war, or national emergency.
