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Undeterred Turd
Sometimes ya
just gotta, you know, let it out. (That's
another turd reference. I am not ashamed
of this.)
And, no,
that's not Bernie up there. I drew the
old geezer for fun and realized later that
he was quite Sanders-esque, so I consider
You know, maybe I'm too
harsh on the guy. How about we just let
Donald convince us using his own words:

On second thought, nahhhhhhhhhh!

(All comments are moderated for
misinformation, not content.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Imagine a huge sticky ball of dung
rolling down a hill composed of used
razor blades, toenail clippings, and
assorted scabs.
Now imagine every news outlet breathlessly
relaying each and every moment of the
turd's progress because it generates
massive ad revenue.
And further imagine throngs of morons
throwing themselves into the steaming,
fetid mass because they want to be
part of the spectacle.
And that's the Trump campaign in a
Gosh. You make politics seem so simple.
