progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

I'm a full day late finishing
this comic because this situation in Flint
has preyed on my mind like a rabid, mutant,
radioactive version of "The Girl From Epanema",
if you know what I mean.
Some fave tweets about the latest Republican
dog-n-pony show.
Just stuck my head out my hotel window
and I literally heard women's vagina's
going dry as these guys gab about abortion.
- Patton Oswalt
This is the part the debate where each
candidate explains how to get to Heaven
by takin' insurance away from poor folks.
Tea Pain
Jeb Bush: I can beat Hillary Clinton, even
though I'm losing to all 9 people who are
losing to Hillary Clinton.
Weird how Chris Christie's example of America
not being safe happened under a Republican
- Cafe
Chris Christie: "My wife was near
NYC on 9/11, which is super convenient
for my campaign now."
- Literally
Ben Carson always sounds like he's re-telling
the plot of a movie that the two of you
just saw together.
- Anne T. Donahue
Ted Cruz: "You need someone who will
kill the terrorists, but not like Obama
killed Bin Laden."
Literally Kate
Ben Carson : "I'm going to try reciting
The Preamble without singing it like
I learned on Schoolhouse Rock."
- Patton
Jeb Bush: "I will (gnnnuh) defeat
(gnuhl) Hillary." -Patton Oswalt

(All comments are moderated for
misinformation, not content.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
GOP elephant pumping lead into river:
Actually, this is all about recruitment.
We figure if we destroy the minds of
black communities they'll start voting
