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Comey of Errors
After some consideration I fervently
wish that FBI director James Comey gets a big
pus-wart on
his scrotum for his obvious partisan douchebaggery.
A pus-wart the size of a small blender that hogs the
covers and
to watch the same programs that he does. A pus-wart
oblivious to its own body odor, which thinks drenching
itself in Axe is ablution enough. A pus-wart that always
leaves the empty milk carton in the fridge and never
replaces the toilet-paper. A real science-denier pus-wart
that oils its guns at PTA meetings and intentionally
tries to run over small animals while driving to the
methadone clinic.
Yes, that kind of pus-wart.
on my daily neighborhood stroll the other day I noticed
that not one house in my Dallas
suburb displayed
one of those big orange annoying trash bags printed
to look like a jack-o-lantern.
Then it occurred to me that it's still in the upper-80s
here and all of the leaves are still on all the trees.
This possibly has something to do with climate change
as a result, I'm starting to get that Australian vibe
of celebrating a winter
holiday, like Xmas, in the height of summer.
A friend
was having trouble coming up with an idea for her office
Halloween party so I
suggested Dallas
quarterback Tony Romo's fractured spine, as it's the
topic of constant conversation down here. She took
me up on it and here's the result. Click the thumbnail
for a larger version.

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Halloween. Kid at door dressed as clown but with
an explosive device strapped to his waist, complete
with timing mechanism.
Lefty, holding bowl of candy: Uhhhh... terrorist
Kid: James Comey! Duh!