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I'm delighted to hear that recounts of the election
vote are planned in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania
but why are people overlooking the suspicious Trump
vote totals in Florida?
George W. Bush received 3.86 million
in 2004.
McCain got 4.04 million votes in 2008.
Romney got 4.16 million votes
in 2012.
From year-to-year, the needle barely moved,
but in 2016 Trump got 4.61m votes. That’s a half-a-million
votes from out of nowhere in a state where Hillary
Clinton received 275,000 more votes than Obama in 2012.
(Technical note: In each of the above four states Trump
won by 1% of the vote. That's statistically impossible.)
me another state in 2016 in which Trump's vote
total increased by 10% over Romney's.
Pardon the vernacular but this stinks like shit.

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Gop elephant yelling The Sky Is Falling during
the years 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,
In 2016 a fiery meteor labeled Trump lands on
him, whereupin he sings Oh what a beautiful morning.