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It's a mob!
From menarche to menopause the human female
catapults one (or more) ovum a month out
into the cold cruel world, to fend for
as best as it can. That's roughly 360 potential
children if you harvested them all and
housed them in suitable lodging while they
matured into the next generation of consumers. Under
more normal circumstances, say, a baby
every year born the au natural way, that's
thirty new mouths to feed per woman. With
modern obstetrics such a feat is
entirely, pun intended, conceivable. Insane,
but possible.
You'd almost think this is the scenario conservative's
mess their drawers pondering considering their objections to
birth control and pregnancy termination services. But, if we're
honest, they're just pushing the emotional buttons of women voters,
positing the notion of cute widdle babies being torn from their
mother's wombs with pickaxes, jackhammers, and squibs of C4.
To conservatives, women are just brood mares for the next generation
of soldiers and/or burger-flippers. But you want to know a little
secret? If you take immigrants out of the picture the U.S. population
is falling. And you know what? That's a good thing. We need fewer
humans on this planet.
Now if we can only convince all those
farm-fed Mexican Catholics from
that "fruitful and multiply" shit so seriously.

(All comments are moderated for
misinformation, not content.)

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Man and woman sitting on parkbench
Of course I'll marry you, Albert,
and as the wife of a good Christian
Republican I will eschew birth
control and any thought of abortion.
And since you're a virile, 100%
heterosexual male I'm sure I
can expect no less than your
full romantic ministrations every
Therefore I calculate that, if
we hurry, we could have at least
30 children by the time I hit
menopause. Maybe more!
So what do you say?
Albert's head explodes: Boom!
Woman: God, that was fun.
