There exists in this world a breed of man who persistently
feels the relentless tug of the primordial forest.
A rugged, self-reliant kind
individual who is happiest only when his hands are
elbow deep in a fresh kill. A man that loves his gun
better than his own mother and knows better than most
how to wield it.
What does such a square-jawed, steely-eyed demon of
the backwoods look like?

Nawww, I'm just kidding. That's Mitch McConnell, Majority
Leader of the Senate, a man who wouldn't know which
end of
a shotgun to put in his mouth if you gave him three
tries and a set of instructions featuring the Magic
Footprints. All he knows is that he reliably receives
dump trucks full
of dough
gun lobby
to make sure crazy people can kill anyone they want
to, anytime they want to.
Here's the deal, though... if we reduced the supply
of guns to shotguns and hunting rifles, available only
during hunting season, we could have the
gun cake though the eating part would require actually
traipsing out into the available forestland and gunning
down a helpless woodland creature or two.
But, NOOOOOOOOO. If you pay off enough Senators, especially
those who would gleefully exploit the selfish natures
of idiots who want guns simply because they want guns,
then we have to continually wade knee-deep through
the damn things to
get some eggs and milk, or pray to the god of our
The GOP engages in naked greed and naked Second Amendment
politics and we're currently being shown, thanks to
Trump, that
there's almost no end to the number of childish assholes
in this country willing to support any selfish, covetous
prick for Congress as long as they can continue to
make a
big noise with their boomsticks.
Good news for people with naked torsos
and bad taste in clothing! I have a t-shirt for sale,
both men and women's, featuring
my snazzy
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They're only
$15.49 and SHIPPING IS FREE thru
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