progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Today is Day Eleven
of "The Raging
Pencils Avalanche O' Reruns!",
featuring the best classic 'toons my Patreon supporters
can stomach.
This particular 'toon is from March 30,
Putin's Pocket President is criticizing Congressman
John Lewis for his 'failing district'. For the record,
John Lewis represents a majority-black district where
88% of adults have high school diplomas and 41% have
college degrees.
In mid-October Hillary Clinton had an 81 percent chance
of winning the election. One week after Comey's annnouncement
her chances dropped to 65 percent.
Burn Comey.
Burn that useless waste of otherwise good
Today Barnum & Bailey's shuttered their circus biz.
I guess all the clowns quit to work in the Trump cabinet.

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Title: How psychopaths rationalize
Cardinal Fang: God cannot abide the heretic.
Hockey mask guy: Mommy, why didn't you love
Dr. Evil: The sheep must always perish so
that the wolf may thrive.
Police officer: I thought he had a gun.
Rollover: BONUS EXCUSE: Hey! Looky there!
WMDs! WMDss all over the dang place!