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In The Belly
Ahhhh, it's good to be back. I know
you were expecting a garish and hopefully satisfying
skewering of Hair Twitler but
he's doing a fine job all by himself. He'll be gone
soon, though he'll probably take us all with him.
Speaking of the Oaf of Office, now he's fighting with
Mexico and Australia, apparantly because his blood
sugar was low and he wanted to watch Jeopardy.
We're fast approaching a point where if a 9-11-type
event happened again in this country and the perpetrator
was clearly,
ohhhh, let's
say Portugal,
I get the feeling
that when the Orange Emperor stood atop the smouldering
remains of Trump Towers Milwaukee wielding a megaphone
in his tiny
hand whining "Let's smoke 'em out bigly!" the
rest of the world would go "Did you hear something?
I didn't hear anything."
Court nominee Neil Gorsuch is the current problem.
We need another holy-roller on the bench about as much
as we need more of Big Oil's radioactive frack-spunk
in the drinking water. At least that glowing gunk Exxon's
ejaculating down those holes has a half-life. Gorsuch
could fuck this country over forever.
And then there's First Concubine Melania
(Concubina?). Her reaction to getting to live in the
White House:
"Nahhhhhhhhh. I'm staying right here in my penthouse,
You get the feeling she looks at the White House, out
of the corner of her soulless, spiritless eyes, like
it's just another government building, like the DMV.
Not unlike the way American tourists view a shinto
shrine in Japan.
"Yeah, it's nice, but we need to do some shopping.
What time does the plane leave?"
Yeah, she's the perfect First Whatever.

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Points Memo
Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Mom: What are you doing?
girl: I'm making a list of important stuff.
So far I've got drinking lye, douching with
chili peppers, starving myself, bathing in
boiling water, binding my waist, having someone
hit me in the stomach with a baseball bat,
spending the night in the snow, applying
electric shocks, jumping off a roof, or sticking
the end of a coat-hanger into my uterus.
Honey, don't worry. I'll always fight to
ensure we have the legal right to terminate
a pregnancy.
Just to be safe, better add 'preemptive castration'.