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Upon A Despotic Time
There are still 696 government officials that require
Senate approval and President Pmurt has nominated only
This means that no one is running the U.S. store.
Total. Incompetency."
Russian ambassador, 64, drops dead of heart attack
today in New York.
Probably another case of Ken Lay disease. Totally unsuspicious.
Fun Fact: Lay also died of a heart attack at age 64.
Just sayin'.
Fox News anchor Chris Wallace says the president has
crossed the line with attacks on media.
This probably means Fox thinks it can now make money
both attacking AND shilling-for the so-called prez.
The KGB's Pocket President is complaining about paid
protesters, but he's right. Government protesters WERE
being paid... back in 2009.
I happen to know, for a fact, that many of those angry
people protesting the ACA were paid handsomely by the
insurance companies to show up and raise hell.
But liberals protest Trump for free, 'cause we're like
Anyway, this is just another case of Republicans blaming
Democrats for stuff they do.
The Orange Potentate says that the news is the enemy
of the people. He's also said that if the people want
real news then they need to get it from him, therefore
Grabby McStinkFinger is admitting that he is the enemy
of the people.
But we already knew that.
Back in early 2002, after the attack of 9-11, fervent
Bushies kept yapping "Think how bad this would
have been if Gore had been President". Much face-palming
ensued from people who knew better.
So now Tr*mp is screwing the pooch in a way previously
unimaginable. So guess what the fervent Tr*mpies are
going to be saying sooner rather than later. That's
"Think how bad this would be if Hillary had been
Just wait. It'll happen. I'm getting my palm ready.
By President Obama's first 45 days in office he'd passed
a stimulus package that helped reverse the economic
recession and signed legislation that bailed-out the
auto industry. Mr. Obama saved this country's economic
So far, Groper McTinyPinkies has done nothing to help
create jobs, and has nothing planned. So far he's just
BEING an ass.

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Reporters: Mother Goose, is it true the president
asked you to be his new press secretary?
That's right, dear, but I had to say no as
I didn't want to lose credibility.
Besides, I hear it's a shit sandwich.
knitting a pussy hat