progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

A day without gritting your teeth and desperately wanting
to throw someone into a wood-chipper is like a day
without Republican governance.
Hey, guess what? The Congress
has the power to obtain and release the President's
tax returns any time
want. They did it with Nixon when he lied about owing
$500,000 in taxes.
New Congressional slogan: "Make American's wait
again.... and again... and again."
"Vice-President Mike Pence enjoyed the Patriots'
win but didn't like that they came from behind." -
Seth Myer
The name of the band Devo stood for "de-evolution".
DeVos as education secretary now makes perfect sense.
Quote from a former SEAL Team 6 official regarding
the Yemen raid: "They kind of knew they were screwed
from the beginning."
So which will come first? An investigation into the
botched Yemen raid or another Benghazi hearing?

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Who knew that the Telecommunications Act
of 1996 would result in six companies owning
almost all the media?
who knew that the PATRIOT Act would sharply
curtail our basic freedoms?
Who knew the Citizens United ruling would
make it easier for the rich to buy congress
who knew that gutting the Voting Rights Act
would result in huge numbers of democrats
being denied the vote?
Who knew that wasting millions on Benghazi
hearings would give the white house to a
fascist quisling?
GOP elephant: who indeed