Prick and the Wall
One example of why I'm so slow lately bashing out my
splenetic, frenetic 'toons is the one below, which
was originally
intended to appear yesterday (Monday). That regretful
waste of otherwise useful RNA sitting in the White
House enrages me so thoroughly that I'm almost incapable
of anything but the lowest form of ad hominem attacks,
and all I want to do all day is
chunk handfuls of my feces
at his misshapen pie hole.
Be that as it may, just consider the 'toon below a
bonus, however minimal.

As you might imagine I've been anxiously
following the latest investigations into Trump's Russian
connection, especially the hilarious Nunes edition,
a starving dog pursues the scent of blood. Almost every
second of my day is spent scanning the 'net, waiting
for that final "AH-HA!" moment where Trump's perfidy
is revealed to the world with perfect clarity. I can't
wait to see him manacled by the local
constabulary, muttering to himself about how he'd have
gotten away with it if not for those
pesky kids.