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the Red Flag
The following is a list of just SOME of the results
of Russia interfering in our elections:
Dirtier air and water
Accelerated climate change
Weakened worker health and safety protection
Removed privacy protection on the internet
Less parental leave
Weaker sexual harassment protection
Attacked religious freedom
Attacked the free press
Attacked the courts
Increased access to guns by the mentally ill
Increased drone killing of innocents
Less financial protection for the elderly
Attempted to make health care more expensive and less
On the plus side we now have:
National Wear Red Day
Greek Independence Day.
T-Rump just launched $35 million dollars worth
of Tomahawk missiles at Syria.
Or, in t-Rump terms, ten weekends of golf at Mar-A-Lago.
We're going to war with Syria because Assad killed
his own people, even though Trump wants to pass a health-care
bill that would kill his own people.
You have to be one incredibly heartless bastard to
bomb a country yet not accept its refugees.
Let's make this clear: Launching 70 missiles at a country
is a measure of last resort.
Trump just pussy-grabbed Syria because he believes
he has the right to do this.
Don Rickles died today. That little sumbitch
made millions laugh and maybe even got a couple of
them to think. He certainly had a hand in making me
the antisocial crank I am today.
you magnificent hockey-puck.

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
GOP elephant: In case Fox and Friends doesn't
mention it, we got that judge you wanted.
Trump golfing: That's nice.