progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Don't Deserve This
New GOP slogan:
"We've lowered our standards, now up yours."
Future Headline:
Thousands die of asphxiation as a result of Trumpcare
being crammed down their throats.
Funny thing: Ossoff led Handel by 10,000 votes in early
voting, so we're supposed to believe that Democrats
just early-voted and called it a day? In a race where
polls had Ossoff leading by 2 points on election day?
In a district that Trump only won by 1.5% (Romney won
it over Obama by 23%)
Something stinks.
The exit polling was supposed to be made available
once the polls closed but I can't find them. If I find
anything I'll let you know.
The White House is slowly killing its press briefings
because bullies and cowards don't need to answer your
They want to kill traditional news media so that no
one knows what they're doing.
They won't address Russian election interference because
they like the results.
This is the modern Republican Party, and they literally
and empirically hate your freedom.
The WH has decided there will no more recording devices
allowed at press briefings. Okay, then...
Hire actors to act out transcripts of the briefings
during newscasts and give them creative freedom. IMAGINE
the possibilities.


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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
heavy weight dropping on redhat, labeled
Redhat:You sure I'll like it?
GOP elephant: It'll be a big hit.