My father used to read the National Enquirer but I
never understood why. It was clear to me, even as
an undistinguished
12-year-old kid, that the stories of aliens and ESP
and two-headed monsters feeding on babysitters were
total malarkey. It was hard not to notice that neither
the daily paper nor Walter Cronkite ever led the
with breathless details of Elvis returning from the
grave with revelations about Jimmy Hoffa.
The National Enquirer these days, though, is a different
animal. It's become pure
right-wing political propaganda,
the print analog of Fox News. Here's a recent cover.

Is this really what every shopper should have to endure
while waiting as the Super-Shopper at the head of
the line digs through her cat food coupons?
The Enquirer's sort of "journalism" serves
no purpose other than to adversely warp the low-information
voter's world-view.
than that, it's stupid, and I'm getting really tired
of all the stupid in this country.
I've already contacted my local grocers through both
FaceBook and their corporate web site contacts asking
them to note
what the Enquirer has become and to reconsider wasting
shelf space on it. (I remind them that surely there
are more nutritional, and profitable, replacements
for it
the impulse
items shelves.) I encourage you, dear reader, to do
the same if for no other purpose than obliterate a
the conservative propaganda machine.
I guarantee you
that if enough people say "ENOUGH" they will listen.