progressive comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!

Magic TV Friends
In an absurd attempt to make people forget about all
the white-anglo-caucasian terrorism lately the Obese
Orange Man-Baby proposed voiding Constitutionally-guaranteed
birthright citizenship through Executive Order.
On the one hand, he can't as he'd need approval of
2/3rds of the states.
On the other hand, it WOULD be
a good
way to get rid of Tex Cruz.
Please keep in mind that wealthy pregnant Russian
women are coming to stay in Trump hotels, and spending
thousands of dollars in the process, so they can have
their babies in America, thus granting them
Gosh, Lefty, what are you trying to say?
The GOP will do anything to win this election because
if they retain both Houses they get to steal the Social
Security trust fund.
If they lose the House, they go to jail.
Vote Blue. And smile.
How much money are we wasting sending 7500 troops to
the border to handle a job that CBP is already equipped
to handle?
I suspect that t-Rump is going to Pittsburgh, even
though he's been clearly told he's not wanted, hoping
for a violent incident that he'll use as an attack
on the presidency for political advantage.
It's been
done before.
I understand there has always existed among certain
populations in this country a grudging and abiding
suspicion of
jews but t-Rump's handlers would never have let him
cross the "globalist" line unless the issue
had been focus-grouped and polled in order to unearth
a large enough segment of the voting population to
make it politically worthwhile.
There are monsters
among us and they've been waiting for this day.
Vote, and vote Blue or be sucked down by this whirlpool
of hate.
Technical Note: For the past couple of weeks I've improved
the navigation so that you can click on either side
of the comic to go forward/backwards rather than poking
at the links. This only counts for the past eight or
so comics but
adding this to at least all of 2018s comic soon.
I am the Red Hen. I am
Maxine Waters. I am Patricia
I am Kristin
Mink. I am Robert De Niro. I
am David Hogg. I am Emma
I am Mike
Avenetti. I am Stormy Daniels.
I am Rachel Maddow. I
am Pickaxe Guy.
I am LeBron James. I am Robert
Mueller. I am Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez. I
am Peter Strzok. I am Elizabeth
Warren. I am Heather
Heyer. I
am Beto O'Rourke. I am
Andrew Gillum. I am
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. I
am Botham Jean. I am Plaid
Shirt Guy.
I am Ronan Farrow. I am Christine
Ford. I am Julie Swetnick. I
am Deborah Ramirez. I am
Kaepernik. I
am Taylor Swift. I am Kamala Harris. I am Ruth Bader
Ginsberg. I am Stacy Abrams. I am Jamal Khashoggi.
I am Seth Myers and Stephen
Colbert. I am Stonekettle. I
am George Soros. I am
late-night comedians.
Fuck Trump.

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Trump baby in front of TV
Good Morning, Donald. Ready for today's orders?
Yes, my special Fox Friends.
Can you believe our luck? He sits there all day
hanging on our every word.
They know I'm here.
Who could believe that someone would be that stupid?
Communist Jews are coming to eat your babies.
Red Hat: I'll get mah gun, Mr. President.