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Half-Assed Mast
Congratulations to all the Democrats who rode that
Big Blue Wave! And to those Democrats who continue
to slowly but surely count and recount the votes
to assure all of as honest a result as possible. Good
luck to Stacy
Adams and Andrew Gillum, in particular.
As this cartoon suggests, it peeved me no small amount that
t-Rump's response to the Thousand Oaks shooting was to have
the White House flag lowered
to half-mast.
As you may
he didn't lower the flag for the slaughter in the Jewish synagogue
until he'd received a public tongue-lashing for his bumblefuckery.
Apart from this obvious racism was also the blunt fact that
one of Fat Boy's first acts as president* was to rescind an
executive order that kept guns out of the hands of the
mentally incompetent. So the symbolic lowering of the flag
was something he obviously did out of political duress and
not out of honest sympathy for the victims. So fuck that guy.
I attended my local "Protect Mueller" protest here in Dallas
tonight. About 300 good progressives assembled in the lee of
our city hall and bitched and moaned and sang and pledged our
troth for the protection of Robert Mueller and for the future
of this country. It was invigorating.
The whole time I was standing there a singular thought swirled
through my noggin, something I'd read earlier in the day and
one I cannot honestly remember from whence it came.
It goes thusly:
"Democrats need to resist Republicans at every turn.
After all, the GOP obstructed Mr. Obama for eight years and
all it got them was complete control of everything."

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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Trump: What are you complaining about? I lowered
my flag to half-mast.